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 About Me

Juliet's avatar

The Girl:
Juliet, Julie, Jules. 27. 5'3". Proud Canadian and Toronto resident. University girl no longer, recent addition to the real world. Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius. Owner of 1 blog, 1 website, and 1 fanlisting, which is enough for now. Insane. Honest. Loyal. Caring. Occasionally witty. Dreamer. Realist. Dork. Oxymoron. Walking contradiction. Addicted to Buffy, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Our Lady Peace, Savage Garden, movies, various movie people, fanlistings, fanfiction, the Internet, and addictions.
( More? )

Blogger Profile
Blogger code: B9 d- t- k s+ u-- f- i o+ e- l+ c (decode)
Geek code: GB d-@ s: a-- C++ U? P L E? W++ N o? K- w+ O? M V? PS(++) !PE Y PGP- t !5 X+ !R tv+ b+ DI-- D+ G e>++(*) h! !r x? (decode)
Buffy geek code: OS++ FB= VAus DCa++ S+++ MU+++ N+ CS(B/A, Wi/O, Wi/T, X/Ay) US+ FF+ SP W+ II 2.22

i'm in ravenclaw!

What's in a name?
Who's Juliet? Ask Googlism
I'm a fan of...
Obsession, schmobsession

The Wishlist
The Earworms
The Fonts

One of the most memorable short stories I've ever read, and hence, one of my favorites -- go here to read it.

Vandalize my Graffiti Wall

The Music:
Albums I Own
My MP3 Collection
Live Music List Radio
LAUNCHcast Radio

The Movies:
The Infamous MovieList
The DVD Collection

The Books:
My Collection
The Reading List

The Game Collection

-5232 days 'til DH1

 Ask Juliet!

Ask me something and I'll answer it the next time I blog! :)



Buffy: Monsters
Canadian Capitals
Chemical Symbols
Children's Books
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings (Easy)
Movie Music
Pirates of the Caribbean
Places in Middle-earth
Princess Bride

Lord of the Rings #1
Lord of the Rings #2
Lord of the Rings #3
Phantom of the Opera
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sin City
Tori Amos
Veronica Mars


<< ? spellage # >>
< # Buffy Blogs ? >
<< ! Middle Earth ? >>
<< ? lotr logs # >>
« ? fellowship # »
< # Aragorn @ >
<< ! Blog Canada ? >>
<< # Blog*Spot ? >>
<?Pirate's Life For Me#>
Straight But Not Narrow
< # HP Fan Logs ? >
<< ? P.O.T.C Blogs # >>
« ? Savvy # »


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Thank you for visiting my blog! :D

Created by: Juliet
© 2002-present
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 Monday, November 29, 2004

Citizens of Middle-earth?
Aragorn, is that really you??
Gimli, did you fall asleep beard-first in the hair dye again?
All right, Legolas, we all know your hair doesn't match your eyebrows...really...we get it. And dude, what is up with the color of your outfit? It's supposed to resemble something you wore in The Two Towers, all of which were most definitely not this color.
Okay, sadly enough for you, you do resemble yourself, Arwen...although I think you may have put on a bit too much makeup for your photo shoot. And AAAAH! What is up with your hair? It's...just...AAAH!
You look like you, too, Eowyn, but...uh...that doesn't make you look any less creepy...
*tries to sound scared* Behold, it is the evil Witch-King of Angmar!!! *muffles smirks and chuckles* We all tremble before you, oh Frightening, really. I swear.
Galadriel, I don't think you need to try so hard to beat Eowyn on the creepy factor. I win, all right? We get it, you're ominous and enigmatic and glow green when tempted by evil. Man, you Elves must really think we Humans are slow to keep trying to prove your points so vehemently... (p.s. How do you eat properly, with those sleeves on?)
Finally...someone who didn't try to change his appearance for this photo shoot. Way to go, Bilbo!

In other news, tomorrow all of my files from this computer are going to be transferred over to my new computer...pray that goes well, because...well, it'd just entirely suck if I didn't have my Stuff on the new machine. Without all the crap, it doesn't even matter if it's a new computer -- it'd be almost worthless to me, other than being much faster than this one, and it has a greater capacity (but who would need one, without all the crap?) Anyway, assuming all goes well tomorrow, this is the last day that I'll be using Windows 98 as my main operating system. Exciting, but odd. (*Random quote pops into Juliet's head* "This is the last day I'll be me and you'll be you." - Gattaca) Oh, and also, I want to try attaching this larger monitor to the new computer instead of the screen it came with, because I still can't get used to 1028x700whatever resolution. Everything's so...small! My eyesight's had its day, people. It can't take this anymore. Besides, I'm not relishing (*random images of green relish pops into Juliet's head*) having to resize my images and whatnot. So yeah, hope that works out properly.

Anyway, gotta go study the financial report of Canadian National Railway, woohoo. Wish me luck actually learning something from the wretched thing.


 Sunday, November 28, 2004

Holy bejeebies! What the HELL am I still doing awake? And using the computer?? Why the freak aren't I sleeping like people are supposed to and what the hell am I thinking? I have to be awake in no more than 5h20 from now and be able to act as if I'm a semi-normal human being. Harder than it sounds, really. :)

I bet you no one out there can claim to have met someone before stupider than I am. Good grief. Muse is probably AWAKE already over in the UK... :S

And on that note, good night to all, and to Muse - good mornin'!

- J.

we're all dumb & jaded
and I hope to God I figure out
what's wrong

- OLP, "4AM"

ETA (11/28/04, 1:08PM): Yeah, when I posted the above, it was actually about half an hour later than I thought it was -- I have got to stop looking at my computer's clock! I have another clock here AND my watch because I know my computer clock is usually wrong, but I guess at 4:50AM you don't exactly remember details like that. :) I was wondering why Blogger was telling me the "wrong" time...

 Thursday, November 25, 2004

By the time my ears finish thawing out, I'm gonna have to head out again to my next class. Just thought I'd stop by and say a general hello to the world at large (or, you know, my readership of about 2, 3 people? 4, tops?).

It took half a bloody hour just to hand in my Astronomy assignment. There has GOT to be a better system than that. Gah. Well, it's handed in, and hopefully they won't tell me I handed in my assignment twice somehow, like they did with the last assignment -- I had two different marks because apparently I handed in my assignment twice, or one of my group members (um, what? I did it by myself) handed one in also. *shrugs* Didn't have much time to work on Assignment 2 -- the management accounting assignment was due on Tuesday, and so I pretty much did all of this assignment on Wednesday night, save for half of the last question, which asked what you would see if you were standing on the surface of Titan (Saturn's largest moon). This was hard to Google about, though, because in reality Titan has a 300 kilometer thick smoggy haze around it, and this question assumes it's an unusually clear day (i.e., there's no smog). BUT since this isn't the way things really are, Google couldn't tell me much.

Oh hey -- tomorrow might be the first Friday all term where I don't have to come down to the campus! Yay! I'm supposed to have Fridays off anyway because I don't have classes, but with all the group assignments and such it's been the unofficial meeting-up day of my week. Will be a nice change to not be here tomorrow.

Whenever some mentions somewhere I've been to in Italy, these days, I start thinking wistfully of going back there. Italy's, like, nice or something. And sure, the slow lifestyle over there would most likely have eventually driven me mad, but it was good for a while, wasn't it?

Anyway, gotta go to class now so ttyal.

Ciao a tutti.

 Monday, November 22, 2004

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition
Date Created: 2002-01-07
Number of Posts: ~300

Juliet is a superhero homebased in Toronto, Canada. As part of her cover-up identity to thwart her enemies, she masquerades as a university student who actually knows what she's doing sometimes -- a poor facade, obviously, but it seems to do the trick, and Juliet is, for the most part, left alone by the villains that would plague her upon discovering her true identity.
Strengths: Movie trivia, obscure movie trivia, Googling, spelling and grammar, creativity, loyalty, superheroism
Weaknesses: Obsession, compulsion, addiction, over-loyalty, chocolate, cheese-flavored Ritz crackers, caffeine, pretty icons, villains
Special Skills: Procrastination, overwhelming procrastination, reading fanfiction into the wee hours of the night/morning, the most basic HTML know-how, spelling and grammar, ability to defeat those who oppose her
Weapons: Incessant Babbling (+2 Defense), Dream Escapism (+5 Avoidance, +4 Denial), Really Deep Thoughts (+3 Intelligence), occasionally potent wit (+3 Humor), spelling and grammar (+4 Editing), (+3 Trivia)
Allies: suzy q, muse, tiffer, zizzie, flames

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by [info]Crossfire_

(Modified to incorporate my Blogger info rather than my LJ info.)

Fudge it all, do you know how hard it is to find information on the light bulb industry in the United States circa the 1980s and 1990s? All Google can find is a plethora of various light bulb jokes.... :P

 Wednesday, November 17, 2004

State of confusion
...In other words, it's business as usual in the Julietverse. ;) No, there's really an actual source for my confusion this time -- I'm coming at you live and interactive from my brand spankin' new Dell computer, which doesn't make loud humming noises when it's on and which has a keyboard that doesn't make soothingly loud clacking noises when I type, damn it. In fact, the whole thing's pretty spiffy except for the fact that I just went from using Windows 98 (I didn't believe anyone could still be using that, right?) straight to using Windows XP, and it's a little bit disorienting. Didn't have much transitional experience with the versions of Windows that came between the two. Not to mention the fact that all of my stuff -- files, Internet favorites, pictures, mp3s, etc. etc. -- are still on my other computer. So I'm just feeling a little out of my element at the moment.

Think I've got all the links in the "Links" toolbar in Internet Explorer set in place now so other than all of my Favorites and the fact that I'm missing the file I use as my start page, my Internet's ready. I THINK my e-mail's been sorted out now...more or less (probably less) -- I've been receiving messages that I'm 90% sure I deleted ages ago. Yeah, I receive those messages, try to change some more settings, and get those same messages again, so then I had 3 of each message. I couldn't tell you how many times I've pressed delete today.

Another problem: this screen looks best in 1028xwhatever resolution, which is what most of you guys probably use. Problem is, though, that on my old computer, I used 800x600, which means that all of my wallpaper images are now the wrong size. Here's hoping that they'll still look okay if I enlarge them..... =/

Gah, when I use computers that don't have all my crap saved onto them, it just feels so odd. Miss my junk. Don't want to save anything on this computer at the moment, though, until I have all my other stuff sorted out and transferred over here somehow. The only thing I'm planning to install (at some point) is The Sims, which stopped working properly on my old computer for some reason or another. At any rate, I'll just start the game over from scratch, with new characters and whatnot. Will be fun. Once I have the time to play, that is.

Anyhoo, I have yet to do any work today because of computer setup/tweaking, Lost, and the nap I just took, so I'm off to do that now.

I think I'll keep using my old computer for the time being, mostly, until all my stuff gets transferred to this one. I don't have a printer on here yet, either. More on this when everything feels more settled. Melikes the new computer, but the switch isn't complete just yet. :)

 Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Random notes of the day
- I lost my poppy pin. I had it for exactly a week, and now it's gone, and I know where it is, but I don't have it. Obviously. My mother said it would fall off sooner or later (emphasis on the sooner), and she was right, darn it. How do mothers do that?

- Just got back a little while ago from my Finance test...yeah...that was fun. You know how you study so much that you feel you couldn't possibly study more/stare at your notes any longer, but then the test is still difficult? Yeah, not a great feeling. Didn't have a number as an answer (and I was supposed to) for one of the questions, unless the answer really was PEG = 1 + gibberish. Hmm. Was a long test, too. Ah well. Did the best I could...

- On my way to the test, I passed by Convocation Hall where, apparently, the November convocation was just starting. Grads were lined up outside in robes, with family members and all that. Can't believe that in a year and a half, that'll be me. Or so I'd hope, I guess. Can't believe some of my friends are graduating this June...

- Legends of the Fall is on TV right now. God, what a depressing movie. It's great. I was just thinking -- watch Legends of the Fall and then The Hours and then you'll be in a shiny, happy mood! I swear...

- I'm so tired right now. I think I'm just not going to do any more work today. I need a break. Or maybe I'll just go to sleep now. It's not like I have anything I need to be awake for, right? Well, 'cept for Legends of the Fall, that is...

Anyway, toodles, and to all a good night.

 Monday, November 15, 2004

A trip down essay lane
Okay, so granted it probably wasn't the best time to take one of these trips (while I was supposed to be studying), but have I ever claimed to have good time management skills?

Anyway, I was reading the latest posting on Blogger news, which reports that someone self-published (on, yay) the Best Of his blog. This in turn prompted me to go back and look at my archives (I self-obsessed), starting from the beginning. And doing that, I remembered that I wanted to go back and look at all the English essays and etc. from over the years that I still have saved on my computer, and it was amazing -- not my writing, but the fact that I'd written stuff that I had no recollection of anymore. Isn't that a weird feeling?

Anyway, here are some of the more significant essays/assignments from the past:

Grade 10
  • Chapter 1 of a Harlequin called Sunset Romance
  • Literary essay on Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle
  • A poem I wrote called "No Goodbye" (which I'm sure I thought was fairly good, at the time...)

Grade 11
  • Apparently the only work I did in English Media class that year (that was worth preserving on my computer) is an argumentative essay supporting censorship (ohhh yeah. That was fun...)

Grade 12
  • A comparative essay entitled "The Effects of Family Relationships on Sanity and Sense of Self in Fugitive Pieces and The Wars". Whoa...what is up with that title? What a doozy...
  • Another comparative essay: "Two Hollywood Visions of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet". Hmm, I probably enjoyed writing that one...
  • A presentation on Oscar Wilde's biographical influences on The Importance of Being Earnest

Grade 13
  • An autobiographical essay, which I employed Susan to do some serious editing on. Or maybe she volunteered. *shrugs* At any rate, it needed editing, and she helped me out. :)
  • "A Comparison Of Two Film Versions Of A Streetcar Named Desire Using The Aesthetic Standard"
  • A "profile", which was supposed to encapsulate your memory of a certain place and how you view it now. I wrote about the bakery we used to go to and how odd it was to go back there after so long. It looked different, which might have had something to do with having a different perspective when you get older, or it may have been because they renovated the place...
  • ISU Assignment: "The Handmaid's Tale Censorship Controversy: Feminism, Pornography, and the Freedom of Expression". I remember that one took quite a bit of research. Interesting project, though.
  • A chapter of my life memoir, which I kind of forgot about until now. I called it "Friends Forever".

1st-year Uni
  • "Disney Movies: Good for the Child's Soul", which my prof actually photocopied to show as an example to the rest of the class. :)
  • An essay analysing the reasons why Watson, and not Sherlock Holmes, is the narrator of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories of the famous detective. I ran out of ideas for titles (having tapped out my creativity on that Fugitive Pieces and The Wars essay title), so naturally, I decided to call it "It's Elementary, My Dear Watson". So original.
  • "The Representation of Women in The Rape of the Lock and The Yellow Wall-Paper" -- a tedious paper, as I recall trying to find several different ways I could say "male-dominated society" without being overly redundant. That said, though, I really enjoyed reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wall-Paper for reasons that I no longer remember. Anyhoo, if you ever come across it, I'd recommend it.

2nd-year Uni
  • "Beauty and the Beast" and "Donkeyskin": Beasts, Gender, and Society. In retrospect, I don't think I really much like writing about gender and society, but I got a lot of that in my university English courses, for some reason. Guess it's, like, sort of an important topic or something. But it does get a little dull to write about sometimes...
  • "The Story of the Treasure Seekers and Swallows & Amazons: Rules, Regulations, Adults, and the Imagination". Now, this one was a lot of work, but it was fun/interesting enough because I enjoyed the novels the essay was about, particularly Swallows & Amazons, which I would also recommend. Kids' books rock.
And sadly, there ends my relationship with English classes as this year I need to take a Science elective to fulfill my program requirements. Astronomy (of the "no background in science required" sort) is interesting enough, and I don't miss the time and effort that needs to go into writing decent essays. ...Then again, I have plenty of assignments this year that take ridiculous amounts of time to complete, so comparing those essays, maybe writing essays wasn't so bad. Oh well. At any rate, I still have a half-year elective I have to choose for next year, and it "cannot be a MGT [Management/Commerce] course". Fine by me! I'm MGT'd out already, man. :)

All right, so there you have it; my history (from grade 10, anyway) with English essays presentation? That's it? Hmm, wonder why I don't have my A Streetcar Named Desire presentation saved anymore. Bugger. It was pretty, too. Guess it's gone on to a better place....

Um, and on that loopy comment, I guess it's time for bed. This bloody post has taken me a stinkin' hour to compose. Good God, I'm stupid. I need to study... (Ha, and you thought I'd get through an entire post without whining about my work? Tsk tsk.)

Ttyal...I'm out. :)

 Thursday, November 11, 2004

you are steelblue

Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect.

Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.

the html color quiz

We've been let out of Astronomy class 15 minutes early and so I thought I'd use my extra time in, of course, a productive manner: updating my blog. Perhaps not a very worthy cause, as the majority of my entries seem to be along the lines of "AAAH, so much work, AAAH" or "Need...more...sleep....too much work, AAAH". I would swear to you that my life is more interesting than that, that SOMEthing more exciting to read about is going on, but then I'd be lying. Besides, if there was something more exciting going on, wouldn't I have written about it already?

Anyway, I haven't used my own computer in 2 days (this being the third) and I'm actually starting to miss the bloody thing, if only because I see things that I want to save but then I can't because I'm not using my computer.

Ah, apparently my parents have ordered me a muchly-needed new computer (a desktop, as I still have some issues with laptops) and according to Mom, it'll be here in, like, a week. This was exciting news to me (but perhaps not for you) because my current computer, while it has (more or less) served me faithfully in the past (okay okay, maybe not so faithfully...but it DID work...once in a while...) could just die completely any day now (or on April 13, 1999, which is the date my computer THINKS it is whenever I turn it on). So yeah. New computer, woohoo! What I have to do now is consolidate all the crap important files I have a strange emotional attachment to need to transfer to the new computer, so that when the computer tech guy (from my dad's office) comes in to transfer the files, they're all in one place..... Hmm. Might take a little while; I've got a LOT of junk important files.

That's it for now -- have to go study for my next test now, methinks. Prof used a word in yesterday's "review" class that I'd never heard before in my life... :/

Don't's Remembrance Day.

 Saturday, November 06, 2004

Downloading woes
There's no trouble whatsoever if I try to download music that's very popular (such as when I downloaded entire albums of Avril Lavigne and Evanescence songs for my brother and my mom, respectively), but if I try for something less rampantly popular, it gets a lot harder. Often for a lot of artists, all that is ever available are the singles that have been released, and anything else...well, forget it. It's just a little bit annoying.

Anyone else have this problem? I currently download music using WinMX because that's where I get the most results, usually. That, and I think Kazaa stopped working on my computer or something. *shrugs*. And too much adware on that, too. Anyway, just wondering. If anyone knows of any other programs that are good for the less popular stuff or if anyone has any tips, that'd be good. :)

Sorry, I know this isn't the most interesting of posts, but...yeah. There's not much else of extreme excitement going on, so this is all I've got. :) Ta!

[edit: Oh, and another thing -- whenever people try to download from me, it just doesn't work. I want to share, I swear I do, but it just isn't happening. Blaargh.]

 Thursday, November 04, 2004

Good night morning
Who needs sleep?
Well, you're never gonna get it
Who needs sleep?
Tell me what's that for?
Who needs sleep?
Be happy with what you're getting
There's a guy who's been awake
since the Second World War


And on that note, I'm off to bed. Just thought I'd stop by and say hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. the lack of updates don't mean I'm (heaven forbid) dead or otherwise incapacitated. I think I officially have a sleep backlog -- even if I get enough hours now, I'm still rather tired. Feels like I haven't stopped working for about the last 4 weeks or so... :/ And of course, being the silly, stupid person I am, I didn't use my extra Fall Back hour on Sunday wisely at all...

Okay, report's done for tomorrow (I have to find some sort of foldery-duotangy thing for it, I think, though), Powerpoint notes for class are printed, and I've officially lost at least 15 of my brain cells. Plus, I've used the word "officially" twice (thrice, now) within the span of 3 sentences. Oh well.

Talk to you all later! So glad my first class today isn't until 2pm...

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 MP3 Request Line

Do I happen to have an mp3 of a song that you want? Check my list here and see if there's anything you need. Send me your e-mail address and state the song you want and I'll send the mp3 to you using, or SendSpace. :)

Music I need
There are the mp3s I'm looking for. If you have any of these and wouldn't mind sharing it with me, please use, or SendSpace to send it to me at verbatim119[at] Thanks much! :D

- none right now

 Current Conditions

Right now, I am:
feeling: Juliet's current imood
reading: n/a. Last completed: City of Glass.
working on: keeping optimistic
listening to: LAUNCHcast Radio

Last week's top artists juliet_a's Weekly Artists Chart
( More? )

loving: stories
not liking: uncertainty
- Shutter Island
- Alice in Wonderland
- Deathly Hallows
( view complete list with dates )

Uppers and downers:
Ý new friends
Ý fiction

ßß the unknown
ßß lethargy

Most recent purchase(s):
eBay gift for a friend

Lesson #65: When you are running late or you are low on time, you will always be driving behind the slowest car possible.

Last download: Vampire Weekend albums

Last movie seen at a theater:
The Princess Bride

Last movie seen on video/other:

Quote of the moment:
"We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26…we were of that disposition." — High Fidelity

Lyrics of the moment:
I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Oh God I miss that show

Misspelling/factual/grammatical error of the moment:
"Visitors Parking"

Pages left in my journal: 118
To Do list: here

Current desktop and Winamp skin (click to expand):

moon phases

Online? Online Status


My sites:
Colorblind Fanlisting

Friends' blogs:
Mihi scribendum est // Antheia
Kitty's Korner // Chloe
le Kat // Kyasuriin
An Idea's Bulletproof // Elizabeth
Ego Verum // Gr8Gonzo

Occupation: Girl
Television Without Pity
Celebrity Baby Blog
Go Fug Yourself

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